
Dave, WA4OPE, and Don, KJ4MZ, using antenna analyzer on a just built ladder line 2m antenna at the 2022 Field Day event.

Don, KJ4MZ and Dave, WA4OPE, checking the SWR reading of a 2 meter antenna that was just built during Field Day 2022 by a youth ham operator.

Photo from drone, flown by Tom, AE4TH, at the start of the 2022 Jamboree on the Air (JOTA)

SPARK and HPT groups set up several portable stations and other ham radio exhibits for the 2022 Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) event in October . Many of the scouts attending were able to get on the air and earn thier communication badge.

Dave, WA4OPE, made a very nice go-kit and had it up and working at the 2022 Field Day event.
Dave, WA4OPE, made a very nice go-kit battery box, and had it powering his go-kit at the 2022 Field Day event.