
Becoming a member of the Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Klub (SPARK) is easy. All you have to do is complete the Membership Form, send it to the Treasurer with your dues.

What does membership do for you? Well, two primary things:

1) It helps the club maintain key radio equipment and incorporate new amateur radio capabilities.

2) Membership allows you to vote on club issues. While anyone can attend club meetings, only members can vote on decisions presented before the club.

Dues Payment Options

Dues are currently $20 for an individual per year, or $30 for a family.

There are a few ways to pay your club dues:

1) Attend a meeting and pay the Secretary, KC4FLB Robbie. He will provide membership form, if you have not previously filled one out.

2) Send a check, payable to SPARK, and membership form to the Treasurer via snail mail:

Thomas R Hite, Jr
59 Beach Rd
Hampton, VA 23664

3) Pay via PayPal. If you pay via PayPal the Treasurer will send an email to you to collect payment through that mechanism, it’s super easy. Once the Treasurer receives payment and your membership form (PDF) via e-mail you’re in.

Membership Form
